Medicinal Monday – Garlic


Garlic is today’s Medicinal Monday feature. Apparently, there are over 600 types of Garlic with two main groups; soft neck and hardneck. Garlic has been used for many years as an antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal. There are many other medicinal and physical uses for garlic, including:

  • Digestion
  • Improved immune system
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Treat yeast infections
  • Treat prostate cancer
  • Alleviates allergy symptoms

Allicin is the major biologically active component of garlic which  makes all the the good stuff above happen. As commonly known, garlic has a very strong odor and unique taste. Eating garlic in its most potent form allows for optimum benefit, e.g, adding fresh crushed  garlic for a few minutes prior to consumption.  For those who want the benefit but not into eating raw garlic, taking an odorless, yet powerful pill is advisable. Garlinase will help reduce the odor or bad breath because it is enteric coated – which means it only dissolves in the small intestine and then absorbed quickly.

I love the taste of garlic and admit to most of my cooked vegetables. However, my most recent appreciation comes from my recent bout of my hair thinning in areas of my scalp. The allicin is a sulfur compound which is also found in onions and acts as growth agent for hair. I have started rubbing raw garlic cloves to my scalp in areas that are thinning with the hope of some progress, keep you posted!



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Frugal Friday – Schmidt’s Natural Deodorant

Let me introduce you to Frugal Fridays at TBWL.

Sometimes, living on the healthier side of life can come with a little bit of a hefty price tag. This all depends on how one views on the price tag vs health/beauty benefits.

I myself would rather pay for a natural, clean, green beauty product and organic foods and vegetables. I have an innate sense of relief and satisfaction knowing that that the dirty, harmful stuff is obsolete.

However, if I can get a product for less than it’s regular retail price…then, I’m all systems GO!

Every Friday, I will feature a food or beauty product which has been significantly discounted or on a major sale.

Today’s Frugal Friday find is one of my fave and necessary products… Schmidt’s natural deodorant. This darling works really well for me. I never have to worry about my body odor being a problem and I only need apply very little.

 Fragrances include:

  • Lavender
  • Rose and vanilla
  • Ylang-Ylang and Calendula (my absolute favorite)
  • Bergamot and lime (a close second)
  • Fragrance free
  • Tea Tree
  • Geranium Flower

Schmidt’s ingredients include essential oils, plant-based powders and natural fragrances. Schmidt’s products do not contain aluminum which is found in almost all deodorants and antiperspirants and has been linked to breast cancer.

Schmidt’s 3.25oz natural deodorant is typically priced at $8.99, I purchased at my local TJ Maxx store for surprising $4.99… a whopping $4 saving.

Needless to say, one must always check the expiration date, packaging for damages, and irregularities.

Check, I was all good. Here’s to a tropical scent and optimum coverage, all for a cool price!



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Medicinal Monday – Lemon & the citrus family


Medicinal Monday this week is all about Lemon and the citrus family.

I think we have all made use of lemon or another member of the citrus family for a recipe, cleaning aid, a preservative or even medicinal purposes. In my personal effort to do better in the morning and start my day on a healthier note, I have committed to drinking a cup of lemon water before leaving the house and starting my day. I was introduced to lemon water eons ago by a childhood friend but never made enough of an effort to make this is part of my daily routine. Never too late though.  Below are some of the many benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning,including:

  • Boosts the immune system
  • Regulates  blood pressure
  • Great source of Potassium
  • Aids digestion
  • Cleanses the liver
  • Reduces joint pain
  • Keeps your skin blemish free
  • Fights infections
  • Weight loss
  • Reduces inflammation

How to make Lemon water:

  1. Heat water to your desired temperature
  2. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon (for best results, use organic) into a mug/cup
  3. Add approximately 8oz of heated water
  4. Stir, drink and start your day

If making this simple drink daily will have such an immense impact on my overall health, why not?

One thing many of us know is that citrus fruits are great for fat burning/weight loss and are packed with Vitamin C which is great for the skin and aging, immune system and has healing properties. What we might not know is that vitamin C is water soluble (doesn’t stay in the system for very long). Therefore, we should get most of our vitamin C intake from our food and drink.


If losing fat is your focus, then eating a grapefruit a day is definitely the way to go.

Many use lemon, grapefruit and other pure essential oils for aromatherapy.




Lemon Image:

Grapefruit Image:

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